Tag: Neuro Care

Clinical Excellence

Roswell Woman Mistakes Subdural Hematoma for Normal Signs of Aging

Typically, when a person is diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, it results from a head injury followed by a fall […] Read More
Clinical Excellence

Gratitude for Neuro Program is Personal for Hospital CEO

Wellstar North Fulton (WNF) Medical Center recently held a reception to share the hospital’s vision and its impact on the […] Read More
Clinical Excellence

GalliFamilyCare: the right care at the right time for the whole family

William Galli was just a few days old when he had a seizure right there in his pediatrician’s office, but […] Read More
Clinical Excellence

AshleyCare: Compassionate nurses help bride celebrate her second chance

In March of 2021, Ashley Martin suffered cardiac arrest, which kills about 90% of people when it happens outside of […] Read More
Ashley celebrates at her wedding with two Wellstar nurses, Tayla Lee and Emily Haytas.
Clinical Excellence

CindyCare: life-saving stroke care

Cindy Mejia never stops, so when she felt the first signs of a stroke, she sought immediate help. The neurology team at Wellstar North Fulton Hospital provided care that helped save her life. Read More