Meet the people leading the mission.

The heartbeat of our organization is our people — a group of caring and compassionate individuals who provide direction, advice and expertise. Through their efforts, we’re able to meet our shared vision for a stronger, healthier community every day. From our team members, board members and corporate community partners, we’re honored to help make Georgia a healthier place for everyone.

The Wellstar Foundation Team

Julie Teer
Julie Teer
Senior Vice President, Foundation President
Lori Allen
Lori Allen
Development Officer
Erin Cannaday
Erin Cannaday
Executive Director, Strategy & Communications
Linda Custer
Linda Custer
Gift Coordinator
Chad Dillard
Chad Dillard
Vice President Philanthropy
Keli Durner
Keli Durner
Operations Analyst
Alicea Gaston
Alicea Gaston
Communications & Stewardship Manager
Amanda Guthrie
Amanda Guthrie
Development Officer
Janet Hutchins
Janet Hutchins
Coordinator, Foundation Administration
Emily Hutmacher
Emily Hutmacher
Executive Director, Corporate & Cause Partnerships
Kendall Hutto
Kendall Hutto
Events Coordinator
Ashley Irwin
Ashley Irwin
Annual Giving
Development Officer
Kathryn Jones
Kathryn Jones
Development Officer
Pamela Kramer
Pamela Kramer
Development Officer
Miguel Montoya
Miguel Montoya
Systems Specialist
Latrina Patrick
Latrina Patrick
Grants & Communications Writer
Sharon Robinson
Sharon Robinson
Vice President, Foundation Strategy & Growth
Dana Rohulich
Dana Rohulich
Executive Director,
Brittany Saadiq
Brittany Saadiq
Executive Director, Principal Gifts
M. Sharon Smith
M. Sharon Smith
Development Director
Emily Simmons
Emily Simmons
Foundation Projects Coordinator
Amy Thomas
Amy Thomas
Annual Giving
Development Officer
Katherine Trombley
Katherine Trombley
Manager, Public Grants
Brenda Vazquez
Brenda Vazquez
Development Officer