For more than 30 years, Wellstar has served communities throughout Georgia, bringing hope for a healthier future. And, through philanthropy and partnership, Wellstar Foundation is helping fuel this important work and make every year more impactful than the one before.

We’re excited to share Wellstar Foundation’s 2023 Impact Report, showing how the commitment and compassion of our supporters allowed us to dare to care big and work to transform healthcare in our communities for generations to come.

As you read this issue, you’ll see more than a collection of numbers and statistics—the impact we make together is a celebration of hope, resilience, innovation and the power of collective action and its stories of real people, families and communities. Together, we’re helping deliver More than healthcarePeopleCare in the communities we serve through a focus on health equity, behavioral health, clinical excellence, workforce development, innovative treatments, and technologies.

As the largest provider of charity care in Georgia and a top 10 provider in the nation, we are proud of all we accomplished last year and we recognize none of this would be possible without the community members, friends, team members and partners who support and believe in our mission. Thank you for being part of the Wellstar Foundation’s story.

If you would like to join us in daring to care big for the health of our communities, you can make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter. You can even designate where you’d like your funds to go, investing in the causes and areas that are most important to you. To give, visit